The Student Enterprise Programme, an initiative run by the Network of Local Enterprise Offices of Ireland, is Ireland’s largest and most successful student enterprise programme with over 26,000 second level students taking part each year.
Students from 1st year to 6th year get to set up and run their own business and find out what it’s really like to be an entrepreneur by taking part in this 8 month long enterprise education learning programme. There are three categories: Junior (1st year students), Intermediate (2nd/3rd year students) and Senior (4th, 5th,6th year, LCA, LCVP and Youth Reach).
The Programme runs from September to May, and students get to do everything a real life entrepreneur would do from coming up with the business idea to marketing, sales and preparing a business plan. A winner in each category, from each regional/county final, goes forward to compete at the National Final for the ‘Student Enterprise of the Year’ award, held in May each year.
Encouraging and promoting an enterprise culture is an important area of activity for Local Enterprise Offices. In seeking to develop a thriving enterprise culture, it is critical that young people from all backgrounds see enterprise as a viable career choice. Entrepreneurial qualities and mindset need to be fostered from an early stage. If we are serious about developing an entrepreneurial ethos we must start with our school-children and young people. We must listen to their ideas and actively support their innovations, as these can be the secret to the business successes of tomorrow.
To find out more information visit our dedicated Student Enterprise Programme website here: Student Enterprise Programme - Ireland’s Largest & Most Successful Student Enterprise Programme